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Social Media & Divorce: Be Careful What You Post!

person typing on cell phone

Posting on the internet and sharing experiences on social media networks has become second nature to many people in the modern world. From sharing photos of family vacations to updating relationship statuses, many of us live our lives in the online world. While the internet and social networks have made it easier than ever to keep in touch with friends and family, online communications have also brought with them their fair share of unintended consequences, particularly in regards to divorce and other family law issues.

What many people do not realize is that literally everything that is posted on the internet or sent electronically can potentially be used as evidence in divorce court, including text messages, social media posts, emails, and instant messages. As such, if you are going through a divorce, it is imperative you exercise extreme caution to avoid potentially saying something that can be used to your detriment during settlement negotiations.

But I Thought My Posts Were Private!

Many people get lulled into a false sense of security thinking that their posts are guarded behind layers of privacy settings. While many social media sites do have certain options to hide posts from certain people, there are numerous ways that a post can end up being read by an unintended recipient, such as Facebook's "friends of friends" feature which allows people to see posts that their friends have liked or commented on recently. In addition, it is highly likely that your posts may end up being relayed between you and your spouse if you still have mutual friends, regardless of whether or not you have blocked each other on social media.

Some also believe that posts can simply be deleted. This is also not a surefire way to ensure that a post is gone forever, as there are still likely cached versions or screenshots on a server somewhere that can be uncovered with a little searching.

If you are divorcing, the following tips can help be useful to help you use social media responsibly and avoid any unintended consequences:

  • Think before you type: Before you click "send," ask yourself, "Would I be comfortable with a judge reading this?" If the answer is no, do not post it!
  • Avoid posting about relationships: If you are dating someone new, refrain from posting photographs or statuses about your new relationship until your divorce is completed and some time has passed. The last thing you want is to ruin your new relationship by dragging your significant other into your family law dispute – or worse, having your spouse use evidence of your new relationship to seek a higher spousal support award on the grounds of infidelity.
  • Do not post any potentially morally questionable content: Posts depicting drug use, racial slurs, profanity, or any other type of criminal activity can potentially cause a judge to see you as a dangerous or morally unsound individual. This can in turn have an impact on child custody, visitation, or even property division.
  • Consider abstaining from social posting altogether: By far the best way to be safe is to refrain from posting anything on the internet before, during, or shortly after your divorce is finalized. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Divorce Attorney in Roseville, California

If you are approaching a divorce or are already involved in the process, it is highly recommended that you retain the services of a powerful advocate who can ensure your rights are protected at all times. At the Law Offices of Frank F. Ali, our Roseville divorce lawyers have helped countless clients overcome the difficulties of divorce and can provide the knowledgeable support you need to maximize your chances of securing a favorable outcome.

Call (916) 745-8444 or contact us online today to discuss your legal options.
