Sacramento Divorce Lawyer
Personalized service is something that is continually provided at the Law Offices of Frank F. Ali. Our approach consists of getting to know our clients and their situations from the start. We want to know what your goals are and the details of the case you are dealing with. Divorce is a difficult thing to go through and our firm is here to carry the burden and retain a positive resolution. If you or your spouse is considering the option of a divorce, talk to our Sacramento divorce attorney early on so that you can begin gaining reputable legal process from the very beginning.
There are a number of courts in the Sacramento area, including the Superior Court. Divorce cases can be handled here and more about this process can be found on the official site. Divorces, annulments, legal separations and the dissolution of a partnership can all be deal with here. Child custody, spousal support and property division are just a few of the issues that may need to be addressed and these can have significant ramifications on your life if the case is not properly dealt with. Our team looks to find the best outcome for you or your children if any are involved. We use our understanding of the states divorce laws and our familiarity with the local courts to offer support and efficiency in any number of family law cases. We can also help you to seek the enforcement of a court order or to pursue a modification if you r divorce has already been finalized.
City of Sacramento, CA
Sacramento boasts a population of around 477,000, making it the sixth largest city in the state. It is the capitol city for California and hosts a large metropolitan area. The city is widely diverse and was named "America's Most Ethnically and Racially Integrated City" by Times Magazine in 2002. Sacramento has had many cultural influences over the year as ownership of it was passed around throughout history and different residents began to move there. Today, a number of cultures can be seen through its architecture. 100 square miles encompass the city and over two percent of this is water. The climate of the area is typically Mediterranean with mild winters and warm summers.
A census that was done back in 2010 found that around 458,000 individuals lived in households and there were over 174,000 households in the area. Of these, children under the age of 18 were found in around 33 percent of homes. About 46 percent consisted of couples living together that were married or in a partnership. The census found around 103,000 families which accounted for over half the households. The most prevalent age group in the area was found to be between 25 and 44, and this accounted for almost 30 percent of the population. In Sacramento, the median household income is found to be around $37,000 for the city area ad $42,000 for families.
Personalized Representation in Sacramento Divorce Cases
For couples, families and individuals in the Sacramento area, there are numerous legal situations the can come up and these may require professional assistance. At the Law Offices of Frank F. Ali we have served the residents of Sacramento and the surrounding area in issues of uncontested divorce, contested divorce and more. We offer guidance through means of mediation and can help couples to resolve their issues while also avoiding court. For cases that do require going to court, we are a strong force that protects our clients from taking a settlement that is lower than what they deserve. Call our office today for personalized service in your family law case.
Meet Attorney Frank F. Ali
Roseville Divorce Attorney
Attorney Frank Ali, dedicated to resolving divorces with precision and care. With a commitment to personalized solutions, he navigates complexities with skill, ensuring a tailored resolution for each client.